Kelly Khumalo's mother Sikhonzile to testify against Jub Jub as assault case takes new twist


As the trial of Uyajola 9/9 presenter Molemo "Jub Jub" Maarohanye approaches its November date, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has enlisted the testimonies of three witnesses to support the numerous counts of rape, assault, and attempted murder against him.

One significant witness brought forward by the state is Sikhonzile Khumalo, the mother of singer Kelly Khumalo. Sikhonzile has provided an affidavit in which she corroborates her daughter's account of the alleged events. According to Sikhonzile, Kelly informed her that Jub Jub forcibly raped her and used a pillow to suffocate her during the assault. The shocking revelation deeply affected Sikhonzile, questioning how someone who claimed to love Kelly could commit such acts. She further claims to have witnessed instances of physical abuse inflicted upon her daughter by Maarohanye, including an incident where he assaulted them all in her house when she intervened to protect Kelly.

In addition to Sikhonzile Khumalo, the state has secured Joy Tsotetsi, a friend of Masechaba Khumalo, as another witness. Tsotetsi states that Masechaba disclosed to her that the social media reports of Jub Jub raping her during their time at Mondeor High School were true. Masechaba revealed that her loss of virginity was not consensual but the result of rape by Maarohanye. Tsotetsi, who was close to Masechaba at the time, expresses shock, anger, and hurt upon learning about the alleged rape incident.

Amanda du-pont's younger sister, whose identity remains undisclosed, has also been called as a witness. She claims to have witnessed Maarohanye abusing the former Muvhango actress after her then seven-year-old sibling failed to finish the food he had served. The sister recalls a visit to Maarohanye and du-pont's Bassonia house several years ago when Maarohanye became furious with the young girl for leaving food uneaten, shouting and chasing them out. Later, when they returned to the house, du-pont's face appeared swollen, as if she had been crying. The sister mentions a separate incident where Maarohanye admitted to his wrongdoings, including rape and abuse, during an encounter with du-pont in the garage prior to his incarceration.

With these witnesses and their testimonies, the NPA aims to present a compelling case against Jub Jub in the upcoming trial. The allegations of rape, assault, and attempted murder have strong supporting voices that shed light on the disturbing nature of the accusations. As the legal proceedings progress, the court will carefully consider the evidence and testimonies provided, seeking justice for the victims involved.

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