Jacob Zuma's spy and former SSA boss Thulani Dlomo hits hard times, "He is now dead broke"


The name Thulani Dlomo once whispered in hushed tones in corridors of power, a figure shrouded in secrecy, a key player in the intricate web of state capture during the Jacob Zuma era. Now, the once elusive spy finds himself in the harsh glare of public scrutiny, his fall from grace as dramatic as his rise.

Dlomo, who headed the special operations unit at the State Security Agency (SSA) during the Zuma administration, has been thrust into the spotlight, not for his alleged clandestine activities, but for his mounting financial woes.

The news broke earlier this week that Dlomo and his wife, Oarabile, voluntarily filed for debt counselling in 2020. This was just a year after he was recalled from his post as ambassador to Japan, a move that came amidst a period of absence without leave from the SSA.

Adding insult to injury, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) obtained a default judgment against Dlomo in October 2023 for a staggering R4.1 million. This financial blow, coupled with the debt counselling, paints a stark picture of a man who once operated in the shadows of power, now struggling to stay afloat.

The question on everyone's lips is: how did a man who held such a powerful position, a man who was allegedly entrusted with sensitive state secrets, end up in this precarious financial state?

The answer, it seems, lies in the murky depths of the Zuma era. Dlomo's close ties to the former president, his alleged involvement in covert operations, and the allegations of corruption that plagued the Zuma administration have all contributed to his downfall.

"Dlomo was a key player in the Zuma administration's intelligence apparatus," said a source close to the SSA, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter. "He was entrusted with sensitive information and allegedly used his position to benefit himself and his associates."

The source went on to allege that Dlomo's financial troubles could be linked to his involvement in various shady deals and his alleged misuse of state funds. "It's a classic case of a man who got caught up in the web of corruption and now he's paying the price," the source said.

The allegations of corruption and financial impropriety that have been levelled against Dlomo are serious, and they raise further questions about the extent of the state capture that occurred under Zuma's leadership.

While Dlomo has not publicly commented on these allegations, the fact that he has filed for debt counselling and is facing a hefty SARS judgment speaks volumes about his current financial situation.

The fall of Thulani Dlomo is a stark reminder of the consequences of corruption and the dangers of unchecked power. It is a story that should serve as a cautionary tale for all those who hold positions of power and responsibility.

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