Exclusive Investigation: Paul Mashatile's involvement in the failed R30billion Housing Fund exposed


A comprehensive investigation conducted by News24 has exposed the intricate web of controversy surrounding Deputy President Paul Mashatile's tenure as the housing MEC in Gauteng. Revelations of a failed R30 billion housing fund and the staggering R491 million bill from Mashatile's alleged associates have sent shockwaves through the nation, raising serious concerns about accountability and ethics within the government.

During Mashatile's two-year tenure as the housing MEC, a law firm and a consulting company, both linked to his long-standing friend Mncedisi Ndlovu, received a staggering R337 million from Gauteng's human settlements department. These payments form part of a larger sum of R491 million that the two companies received between 2014 and 2020, raising eyebrows and sparking concerns about corruption and a potential conflict of interest.

Mncedisi Ndlovu, a close friend of Mashatile for over two decades, is one of the founding partners of Mncedisi Ndlovu & Sedumedi (MNS) Attorneys, a law firm that has a history of representing the ANC. Additionally, Ndlovu is a director of consulting firm Arengo 6, which was tasked with assisting Mashatile in implementing a bold shift to construct more than half a million low-cost housing units in 2016 and 2017.

What adds further intrigue to this scandal is the fact that MNS currently employs a cousin of Mashatile's son. This familial connection raises questions about the transparency and fairness of the selection process for these lucrative contracts. It begs the question: Were these contracts awarded based on merit, or were they simply favors given to friends and family?

One particularly intriguing aspect of this saga is the involvement of MNS Attorneys as the attorneys of record for the Manzi Mashatile Foundation. This foundation, established in the name of Mashatile's late wife who passed away in 2020, raises questions about the potential mingling of personal and professional interests. The foundation's charitable endeavors now come under scrutiny, as the implications of Mashatile's connections with MNS Attorneys raise concerns about the integrity and true motives behind the organization.

As the investigation unfolds, the South African public demands answers. The failed R30 billion housing fund, which was intended to address the dire need for affordable housing, remains a glaring reminder of the government's failure to deliver on its promises. The mismanagement and alleged misappropriation of funds have not only undermined the housing sector but also shattered the hopes of countless South Africans longing for a place to call home. Instead, it seems that the funds were channeled into the pockets of a select few, leaving the intended beneficiaries in despair.

The revelations in this investigation not only shine a light on the alleged misconduct of Paul Mashatile but also raise questions about the oversight and accountability within the government. How was such a large sum of money misappropriated without proper checks and balances in place? And why has it taken so long for these irregularities to come to light?

South Africans deserve answers. The citizens who entrusted their hopes for a better future in the hands of their elected officials have been let down. It is imperative that a thorough investigation takes place, and those responsible for this abuse of power are held accountable. – News 24

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