Fikile Mbalula's wife to get "big mouthed" Musa Khawula jailed?


Controversial social media influencer Musa Khawula finds himself entangled in a legal storm over his continued allegations of corruption against Nozuko Mbalula, wife of African National Congress (ANC) secretary-general Fikile Mbalula. The repercussions of Khawula's actions could result in dire consequences, including the possibility of jail time.

Khawula, known for his vocal online presence and controversial statements, has been warned by Nozuko Mbalula's lawyer to comply with a court order demanding the deletion of his allegations. The high-stakes legal battle has captured the attention of South Africans nationwide, as the clash between influential figures unfolds in the public eye.

The allegations made by Khawula against Nozuko Mbalula have sparked outrage and intrigue, with social media buzzing with discussions surrounding the potential implications. As a prominent influencer, Khawula wields significant influence over his followers, making his allegations a matter of public interest.

Legal experts have weighed in on the situation, highlighting the gravity of Khawula's actions and the potential consequences he may face if he fails to comply with the court order. While freedom of speech is a fundamental right, it is essential to exercise it responsibly and within the boundaries of the law. Khawula's refusal to delete the allegations could lead to him being held in contempt of court, a charge that carries severe penalties.

The ongoing legal battle between Khawula and Nozuko Mbalula has shed light on the complexities of defamation law in the digital age. In an era where information spreads rapidly and opinions are shared freely, it is crucial to strike a balance between freedom of expression and protecting individuals from false accusations.

In a statement, Nozuko Mbalula's lawyer emphasized the importance of respecting the court's decision and abiding by the law. "We urge Mr. Khawula to comply with the court order and refrain from making further defamatory statements," the lawyer asserted, underscoring the seriousness of the matter.

According to the letter sent to Khawula on 8 June, Selepe warns that a criminal case could be opened against him.

The letter read: "We are instructed to give you an opportunity, as we hereby do, to urgently remove the defamatory social media post of 8 May 2024 together with the posts of 5 June 2024 within 72 hours of receipt of this letter, failing which we are instructed to approach the court for a committal to prison for the contempt."

“Furthermore, our client instructs that on or about 5 June 2024, you continued with your vitriolic and vexatious attitude and posted further defamatory, unsubstantiated allegations about our client on the X social media platform

“Take notice further that this correspondence is not a novation or a per exemption of our client’s rights pursuant to the court order of 28 May 2024.”

Khawula is also facing similar legal actions instituted by top businessman Jade Orren after the influencer accused him of cheating on his wife.

According to Orren’s court application in January, the posts surfaced on social media on 10 January and were meant to harm his reputation in the eyes of the public.

He also cites in the papers that the negative sentiment about him threatens his livelihood and his business relationships. “Of utmost concern is that the statements have the ability to affect those relationships and lose current and future clients.”

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