Babes Wodumo pours her heart out to Dlala Thukzin


Witnessing our beloved musicians appreciating and supporting each other's successes is always heartening.

Babes Wodumo, the singer-songwriter and choreographer hailing from Kwa-Zulu Natal, took the opportunity to congratulate Dlala Thukzin for his hard work in the previous year, as his song "iPlan" was announced as the Song of the Year across seven radio stations.

On Instagram, the 29-year-old mother shared a series of pictures of Thukzin and reminisced about how she knows him. In her caption, she recalled their initial meeting through Mah-ah, noting how Thukzin always carried his bag, saying, "☺️ I remember when I first got to know you, they used to call you Mah-ah's boy, and you would always walk alongside him, holding his equipment."

 “☺️Ngikhumbula ukuqala ukukwazi kwami sazan ngomfana ekuthiwa uMah-ah and wena wawuhlezi Uhamba naye umphathela Isikwama.”

Babes Wodumo also expressed how she would get goosebumps watching him perform, stating, "Whenever I saw you play, it sent shivers down my spine, “ngangithi when I looked at you udlala ngangiba namaGooseBumps watching you play, I’m also sure nala uShimora la ekhona he is proud of how much you have achieved.”

“Ziningi izinto and sawshaya amaHit la eWest Ink, most of all into engithanda kuwena awukaze wayilahla respect for me and even when abantu sebengshiyile but wena Thukzin uhlezi unami’, she added.

She continued by acknowledging Thukzin's numerous achievements and hits under the West Ink label, emphasizing her admiration for him and his unwavering support, even when others turned their backs on him. She affirmed, "There are many things, and you've struck many hits at West Ink, but what I love most about you is that you've never lost respect for me, even when others did. Thukzin, you've always been there for me."

Towards the end of her heartfelt message, Babes Wodumo expressed her belief that Thukzin's late mother would be proud of his growth and the progress he has shown, highlighting that his journey truly reflects his character as a strong individual.

She concluded by declaring her unwavering support, saying, "❤️ You know that I love you, I'm your number one fan."

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